Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Where is Your Hope?

Hello Y'all!
  Okay, I must say I am a bit unprepared this week! So I read my Bible and then BAM! there is was. My theme for today's post!
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his inheritance." Psalm 33:12
of course that has to be today's theme, because it's voting time! I am planning to early vote today! But then I read on and I came to this verse:
"Let thy mercy, O LORD be upon us, according as we hope in thee." Psalm 33:22
  This verse jumped out to me this morning! We worry so much about elections and politics and other things of this life! I know this one election in particular can be scary if that is all you are focusing on! Yet, I think we tend to forget that God is still on the throne! Do we hope in Him? When I read this verse, I got the impression that we will get mercy as we hope in Him. At least that was David's prayer right? I know God gives more mercy than I deserve! Even more than my hope in Him.
  Imagine with me for a moment, if we only received the same amount of mercy as the hope and trust we placed in Christ. I don't know about you but that would be a terrifying thing for me! I wouldn't get much mercy if that were the case! I believe we could all do better in this area. I can think of some people that had some great faith in their days! Darlene Rose (If you haven't heard of her, look her up! Read her book! She had amazing faith and a amazing story!). Corrie Ten Boom. Ruth. Mary's husband Joseph. Jim and Elizabeth Elliot. These are all people of great faith. But I remember, they were just people. Like you and me. They were nothing more than sinners saved by grace that decided and purposed in their hearts to live for God. To place their trust and hope in Him alone! We can do the same! It is possible for us to have that same unfathomable, and indescribable relationship with Him! Surely we all know they had their weak points, but that is only proof that they were human. Their stories live on because God uses those that place their hope in Him!
  Where is your hope? What are you trusting to get you to heaven? To get you through this life? You see, a lot of people have hope and trust that Christ will get them out of hell, but then what? They go on living in sin, and are just as miserable as some lost people! Why? Because they didn't trust God farther than the cross! This life can be tough without the LORD helping us through it yet; we kneel at the cross, beg for mercy and when the LORD gives it to us, we thank Him. But when He asked for us to go a little farther and fellowship with Him, we falter. Why? Because we are too busy to read our bible today. We can't sit and pray for one minute because we have something to do, somewhere to go. More important things... Ouch. Think about this! Our focus is misplaced so often! Our hope is misplaced just as much. Oh how sad a thing, to think that Christ died, literally died, and we can't give Him five minutes of our twenty-four hour long day!
  My family and I try to pray together in the mornings and my mom began timing it to see how much time we are really giving up. Eleven minutes. For my mother and my sisters and I to each say a prayer. Eleven. That is not much and yet it starts our day off right. It helps us to place our focus on God throughout our day. How much time would it take to simply say a small prayer to start off the day right? To read your bible? Don't get upset with me for preaching at you! I am as just as guilty as the next person! But how much time, do we truly have to spare when it's all laid out? How much can you give to Him? You and I both know He is worthy of so much more than we give Him!
  Back to the subject line! Where is Your Hope? Do you know how you can tell where someone places their hope? By listening to what they talk about. If a person talks about politics all of the time, or the stock market, or gas prices. Or even what a friend said about them or how many likes they got on social media. What are you hoping in? The next president? God, I hope not!!! Money? Friends opinions and/or what's "in"? Goodness gracious I hope not! All of these things come and go. They aren't steady! In the end it will all be as ashes. Useless void. But, my Savior is a strong foundation on which to place your hope! Never failing, always trustworthy. He is the God of all hope! The supplier of true hope! He is the true Hope!
  Your life will be proof of where your hope is laid. Remember that! So I ask you again, where is your hope? Now prove it!


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