Tuesday, November 8, 2016

VOTE! - Election Day 2016

    Here I am listening, and waiting for the election results as I am sure many Americans are today! I've never been big into politics, and this year hasn't been very different. But this is my first presidential election where I actually have a voice! I must say I do care and I am a bit nervous about the results! Someone has to win right? So I did vote! I did use the voice given to me! I am hoping for the best when we as a nation deserve the worst! 
    I want to urge you to vote! If you don't vote, what was the point of the fight for our freedom of speech? If you don't vote as a woman you are giving up the right that many women before you had to fight for! Please! Go vote today if you haven't voted! It takes maybe five minutes of your time, to put your vote out there. To support the future! To honor the men and women that fought to give you this right! Support the future for this generation and the next by the simple action of voting!
    I simply want to urge you to make a difference where you can! It is your voice, your vote! Use it! You cannot complain if you don't! Don't you dare claim to be a patriotic person with a love for your country if you don't vote! You cannot say you have a heart for you country if you don't care about the outcome of her decisions! So yes, I am begging of you all to go out today and place your mark on the future of the United States of America!  
    I also want to urge and beg of you all to pray! I hope you are all praying with me today! Don't pray "let this person win" or "that person lose"! Pray that the good LORD will be merciful unto us again! Pray that God withholds His wrath from us for the few righteous men and women in this country! "Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake." I pray God will extend the same promise to us in America as He did to Abraham when he was speaking of Sodom!
  I know this is quite a short post today, but I hope you remember whatever happens it will be okay! Thank the God He is still on the throne! Either way. Trump or Clinton. Republican or Democrat. God, is still in control! I can find rest and hope in that one fact alone! I hope you can too!


P.S. Would you guys be interested in reading my journal from my trip to Africa? Or would that bore you? I'm thinking of putting it up and letting you guys reminisce with me! Let you know!