I have been on a bit of a ride of events over the past few weeks! I have helped put a fall festival together, had a nephew born, a sister engaged, and a load of many other things I won't get into! I've been so busy I must admit I have been struggling in staying faithful in the small things. Not that I couldn't make the time, but I honestly just didn't make enough. That's the truth. I have no excuse! I'm actually leading up to something here, just give me a moment! I'll get there eventually!
I have been busy, as many people are this time of year, but I was driving down the road, and I caught myself speeding a bit so I slowed down. Once I did, I noticed that autumn is indeed upon us! It is absolutely beautiful! I thought to myself, how can I speed through this back road, through this season, and not notice the beauty all around me? So I slowed down some more. Thankfully no one was behind me, because I was probably going ten or fifteen under. I watched as the leaves slowly fell, and as the car in front of me blew them into their own little dance across the road and into the air. Last night, I watched as the moon climbed into its proper place from behind the Tennessee hills. It was beautiful. There truly isn't a better word. The daily miracles God bestows upon us through His creation are truly ineffable (Adj: Too great to be expressed through words)! This morning on my way to work, I had the pleasure of seeing the amazing sunrise! I will never tire of that! Our God is truly amazing!
Take a moment to see the beauty this season. I don't think I will ever comprehend why God has made it possible for us to take pleasure in the glory of His creation! I am glad He does!

"Be still and know
that I am God..."
Psalm 46:10a
I am probably one of the worst at not being still! Because of this, I feel my Father reminding me almost daily to do just that!
"Be still my child!" "Stand still my daughter!" "Slow down! You will miss something wonderful!" "Wait!"
Why is it so hard? Or more honestly, why do I make it so hard? I feel as if I am I child not understanding my Father's will. Sometimes not willing to understand. I can't say I have always wanted to understand or even give Him time to explain. Not that He owes me any explanation! I sometimes want to go my own way, because I feel as if I understand that. Oh the joys we miss out on when we go our own way in our own timing! These are too precious to pass up! we must die to self as the leaves are dying and fall to our knees in prayer and in humility! We can learn so much from the way God has chosen to conduct this earth, can't we?
I have another cheesy point to my post today! I was discussing courtship with a friend who is about to be in that stage of life. She was asking me my take on it, where I would draw lines and such when or if my time comes. It got me to thinking about our courtship with Christ. That is what we are doing right? We are to marry Him one day right? So why not think of our walk and relationship with Him as a courtship? We are supposed to be getting to know Him, and we are supposed to be preparing for the big day! Inviting guests and laying up treasures for Him. Christ has definitely been doing His part! He showers me with blessings and gifts daily. He helps me to become a better person (if I let Him). He comes to call on me each and every morning, just longing to fellowship with me, even though He already knows everything about me! He has written me the most beautiful and probably the longest love letter of all time! If I were truly courting Christ, I would long to read that letter over and over again, until I could recite it by heart! I would run to the door when He came calling. I would let Him start a change in me for the better. I would return His favor of gifts with thanksgiving and love! Why don't we think of it this way? it sounds like the perfect fairytale doesn't it? Maybe it's the young girl inside of me, but I love it! I am courting the most perfect man that ever was, and He loves me enough to literally die for me! And one day He is coming to get me and we shall be married in the most beautiful venue anyone has ever seen! I shall sit by His side as He is crowned King of kings and Lord of lords! He shall rule and reign forever. And we shall live happily ever after!
It truly is a real life fairytale! I am getting excited as I write this! Can you believe it? What love story! And we have a part in it! I know, I know, I'm preaching to myself again! I want to make a change, in that, I want to work harder at getting to know Him! I am going to go read that love letter now! How about you? are you courting Christ properly? Wouldn't it be a shame if when the wedding day came, we didn't know our Groom? So let's get to know Him! Let's fall in love with Christ! Yeah, there's the pun! :)
I have another cheesy point to my post today! I was discussing courtship with a friend who is about to be in that stage of life. She was asking me my take on it, where I would draw lines and such when or if my time comes. It got me to thinking about our courtship with Christ. That is what we are doing right? We are to marry Him one day right? So why not think of our walk and relationship with Him as a courtship? We are supposed to be getting to know Him, and we are supposed to be preparing for the big day! Inviting guests and laying up treasures for Him. Christ has definitely been doing His part! He showers me with blessings and gifts daily. He helps me to become a better person (if I let Him). He comes to call on me each and every morning, just longing to fellowship with me, even though He already knows everything about me! He has written me the most beautiful and probably the longest love letter of all time! If I were truly courting Christ, I would long to read that letter over and over again, until I could recite it by heart! I would run to the door when He came calling. I would let Him start a change in me for the better. I would return His favor of gifts with thanksgiving and love! Why don't we think of it this way? it sounds like the perfect fairytale doesn't it? Maybe it's the young girl inside of me, but I love it! I am courting the most perfect man that ever was, and He loves me enough to literally die for me! And one day He is coming to get me and we shall be married in the most beautiful venue anyone has ever seen! I shall sit by His side as He is crowned King of kings and Lord of lords! He shall rule and reign forever. And we shall live happily ever after!
It truly is a real life fairytale! I am getting excited as I write this! Can you believe it? What love story! And we have a part in it! I know, I know, I'm preaching to myself again! I want to make a change, in that, I want to work harder at getting to know Him! I am going to go read that love letter now! How about you? are you courting Christ properly? Wouldn't it be a shame if when the wedding day came, we didn't know our Groom? So let's get to know Him! Let's fall in love with Christ! Yeah, there's the pun! :)
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