Hello All!!!
I don't know about you guys, but as Fall begins to show off her beautiful colors, I get a bit of a bug for the holiday season! I was out shopping yesterday for my maid of honor dress for my sister Bekah's wedding. Thanksgiving and Christmas décor was out and I have caught the bug guys! I'm wanting to go Christmas shopping soon! I actually have already started a bit! I'm probably going to try to be a crafty cheap-O this year! Thrift shops here I come! No joke, some of my favorite Christmas gifts have been from second hand shops! So why not?
My family and I are beginning to prepare for Thanksgiving, and I am excited! My first gluten free Thanksgiving! You think I can do it? Maaaybe... lol! No, I am going to do this! I have found some awesome recipes and I have some awesome gluten free friends that I'm sure will be helpful! Though I'm not much of a cook, I do get excited to try new recipes! As well as nervous... We shall see how it goes! Maybe I'll try to bake a pie again,... lol that was a bit of a fail last year! But then again my friend and I had never tried that crust recipe so it didn't turn out, but this is the year of redemption right? Maaaybe... LOL! We shall see if I even have time to take another swing at it!
We always have a good thanksgiving with friends and family and I don't think this year will be any exception! As our family grows, It becomes more traditional, festive, and put together because we have more hands to help! We also have more mouths to feed, so hopefully we can keep the stress levels down to a minimum! Especially for my oldest sister Hannah! She is sort of the hostess and the coordinator! Bless her heart, she has her hands full! We will get it done though!
I hope we can all fix our minds on the true meaning of the season, instead of getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all! It is definitely easy to do! Especially with a big family! I catch myself getting stressed about who to buy for and what to cook, or wear to holiday events. But let us not forget Who we are supposed to be giving thanks to! Our Lord, Jesus Christ should be the center of our holiday season. Not a turkey or a Christmas tree smothered in gifts! Though I believe those things have there place, we must keep it all in the right perspective!
Random thought: I am realizing that I am using a lot of exclamation points and I do apologize. I catch myself doing things like that and I become super paranoid about it, so I thought I'd mention it just in case it was getting on your nerves... You are not alone. I annoy myself sometimes too! lol! There is it again! I really need to stop! HAHA! Nah...
Total rabbit hole there, but whatever! I will get back to the main subject! Anyways, not only have we been trying to prepare for thanksgiving but also the wedding coming up! I cannot believe my little sis is getting married in the upcoming year! That is just unfathomable to me! and to think that my sister Hannah has two kids is strange to say the least! She is a great wife and mother mind you, and I always expected her to be. It is just weird to think that so much time has passed that we are all at these stages in our lives! The holidays intensify these thoughts of mine. How time flies... Before we know it, we will all probably have grandkids of our own, wondering what in the world happened! It's funny really, how the time we are in seems slow but the time that has passed always seems as if it swiftly slipped away from us.
I know this is short and simply a bunch of ramblings, but my mind is running too wild to be able to sit and write a long post today! Just a heads up, I am going to take a bit of a break from blogging after the election, so I can fully focus on life and preparations that need to be made for the holidays and my sister's upcoming wedding. Thank you for your understanding!
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