Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dear Future... Husband

Dear Future Husband,

  This letter is going to be a bit different from the others I have written you because this letter will be posted on my blog. I truly enjoy writing! I don't know if there is anything more than a blog in my future of writing, but as long as I can continuing writing, then I will be happy with that!

  I'll say this again for the sake of my blog readers, the whole point of these letters are for you to get to know me as a young person. To get to know the person I am before you. I hope I am succeeding in doing that! On to the actual letter :)

  I feel as if our meeting is still far away and yet somehow I think we may have already met, even if it were just in passing. How can you long for something or someone so much when you haven't ever met? I'm a bit of a dreamer, just to warn you! I get that from my mother, bless her heart! We both have wild imaginations and that can be used for good I know, but at the same time, I must be careful and guard my heart or it will get away from me. Having this imagination, has caused me to have expectations for you. I have a list (yes an actual list, you will learn that I love lists!) of requirements for you. I'm sorry if that is intimidating, but I was taught to know what I want in a husband at a young age. Don't worry though, if you have read all twenty something other letters that I have written to you, then you passed, and I am madly and deeply in love with you! :) At this point in my life, I'm not sure what that is like, to love someone in that way. I guess that makes the wait a lot easier!

  I must say, some people may not think I want to get married because of my casualty in waiting. I'm not one of the girls that complain about the single life... much. Lol I actually have one complaint: People thinking I shouldn't be single! I believe the single life would be much easier if people didn't expect you to get married young. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it simply isn't GOD's plan for everyone. But that post has already been written! (5 Things Single Girls Are Tired Of) I can be impatient sometimes, mind you! I simply don't publicize it by complaining. It is difficult to wait when people around your age and younger are getting married and having kids. I long for the day when I have a family of my own. I truly do! But I see no sense in moping around about something I can't change. Why not enjoy this season of life while I'm in it? This is a time of learning and growing in the LORD. I know I can continue to grow even after marriage, but I can let GOD use this time in my life to prepare me for marriage, for you. Because through serving you, and submitting to you, I will be obeying my Father and doing His will. He hasn't given me that honor yet, but there are ways I can serve others in the now! I don't always do well in serving. That is definitely something I must work on!  

  One of my biggest dreams is to become a mother. As scary as that can be, my biggest fear is probably, not being able to. I won't lie. That maybe a bit bold to say on my blog, but I'm sure I'm not the only one! Being a big fear of mine, I have prayed about it a lot! Just for the record, if the Lord decides to not give us children, yes, I will have a hard time understanding that at first, but we will get through it together! Plus I would love to adopt as well!  I do want seven kids! I hope you like that number! I hope we will be good parents! I hope we can be good examples to our children in every aspect. I know we will make some mistakes, that is inevitable, but I hope we can do well in the big things and learn from our mistakes. I want to earn love and respect from our children and I want them to earn it from us. I want to play games together, and honestly, I would like for technology to be an odd thing to our kids. I don't want YouTube to be a common word in our house. I want them to run to tell us the amazing adventures they had in the backyard. I want to have cookouts with both of our families together in the backyard. I want a unity that people think is impossible these days, because I know it's not impossible with the LORD.

  I hope you have a love for Christ and His work. I hope we can be the kind of couple that reads the word together, and prays together. And I'm not simply talking about at meal time. I want to be the kind of couple that doesn't need any words to enjoy each other’s company. I want to be able to sit in silence with you and stare up at the stars. Long, deep talks about our hopes and dreams are very welcome too! I hope we can go hiking and camping and just enjoy the beauty of God's creation together. I hope you can see the beauty in the small things. I want to go on picnics with you instead of a movie. Though movies can be fun sometimes too :). I want to be adults and be responsible together and then some days be completely childish and playful. I want to cook together, and have food fights, to dance barefoot in the kitchen, to live in the moment together. To serve GOD together. 

  Maybe a lot of that is foolish, but that is what I wish for. I wish for a lifelong friendship that nothing can come between. I hope that isn't simply "wishful thinking". It doesn't have to be perfect, but I want something special. I do have hopes and dreams, but if it’s worth waiting for, I can wait. I'm sure it will be worth it!

  I am praying for you. Know that each letter I write to you, I am praying for you as I write it! Patiently, I will pray, and I will wait.


  P.S. To my blog readers, I hope you enjoy this "series"! Thank you for reading! I appreciate it!!! May God bless you all!

  To my single friends out there, we are all in this together! Enjoy this season of life while you can! Feeling impatient? Write your frustrations down! I know writing may not be the thing for you, but do something! Don't simply sit around feeling useless! Make yourself useful! And hey! You can always pray about it! The LORD knows your heart, and He is the one that can help you through these times, so go to Him in prayer!

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