Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Dear Future...

As you all already know, I love to write! Aside from writing this blog, I write some stories and also letters. I write letters to people I know, and people I haven't met yet. Such as my future husband and my future children. Yes, I know I'm odd, but whatever! I think it would be cool to hear from your mother or spouse as a teen and young adult. So I am going to start a small series of letters to my "futures". These posts maybe a bit different for you guys, but maybe, just maybe I can inspire you guys to write a "future" letter, whether it be to your future spouse, children, yourself, or whatever.

Dear Future,

  What do you have in store? I can't help but wonder! The possibilities are endless! To know you could change so much for me. Why must you be such a mystery? I suppose that is simply a part of what makes this life so exciting. To think of seeing the future unfolding before me in a way I could never imagine has a way of exciting me . I can't honestly say I understand everything, or even that I want to fully understand everything, but I am anxious to see what you hold! To meet the people you bring across my path. To see the person I am meant to be several years down the road. To meet the man I am meant to marry, and the children we may have. So much excitement in thinking about all the things you hide behind another day!

  A friend of mine reminded me today, that everyone goes through daily struggles. I go through some myself. Some of us may have bigger troubles than others, some may be big, but not obvious. What struggles lay in wait for me Future? I suppose this letter could truly be to my Father, beings He is the creator of the future. So Father, how will I fair in the trials ahead? Will I be strong and humble enough to lean on You? To reach for Your guiding hand? Am I strong enough to do so now? In these struggles I am facing today? Can I hand them over to You, without doubt, without fear? Trusting You will take care of it all, is easier said than done, I must say! This shouldn't be so after seeing all that you have done thus far. I am human, we never seem to learn do we? Not what is of true importance in this life anyway. 

  Father, I ask that you would not show me the future, but prepare me for it. I know that is what You have been doing, but God I stand here asking You to continue preparing me, this time I won't struggle against Your teachings, and Your guiding hand, but follow as You lead me into the unknown. Father, I love you for never giving up on me! I pray I never give up serving You to the best of my ability, and I honestly could do so so so much better! When I am down, hold me up Father. I am weak, please give me strength. When I am anxious, help me to be trusting. When I am frustrated, I pray for patience! Lord I am all of these things right now in this moment! I ask you my God for peace that I know only You can give!

  I love You Lord, help me to love You more!


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