Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Dear Future... Children

  My dear future children,

  How I long for you! I have so many hopes and dreams for you! I hope I can raise you right. I hope you see my love for the LORD in the way that I live. I hope that you grow to love and know the LORD Jesus Christ as I have- and more so! I want to see you do better than I could ever do. I hope the Lord uses me to equip you for your future of serving Him, despite my flaws and weaknesses. I dream that you grow to have love and respect for your father and I. Not because we deserve it, but because it is what the LORD asks of you. I dream you grow into a joyful young lady or gentleman, with a heart overflowing with love and compassion for others. I dream that you have a heart full of beautiful childhood memories.

  I want to play ball in the backyard with you, to teach you to cook, and sew. I would love to cuddle in bed with you in the morning. I will adore watching your eyes light up as I read your favorite stories. To watch as you take your first steps, and hear you speak your first word, will mean so much to me! I dream of us having tickle fights, and playing hide -n- seek through the house. To watch you get dirty from head to toe with the biggest grin on your face will be precious, even if you track it in the house!
To help you get ready for church will be a pleasure, even if you run off half way through! Teaching you character and manners, and then watching as you start using what we have taught you on your own will be a wonderful thing to see.

  I want to teach you from home, as I was home schooled. I think I'm ready for that! I pray I have patience with you as my mom had with me! I hope and dream you grow to have a love for reading, a skill in math, and a respect for history!  I hope I can teach you diligence and determination. I hope you learn to study, not only in school, but the word of GOD! I long to see you quoting scripture on Sunday nights at church. I hope you take that scripture and not only remember it for the rest of your days, but I pray you learn to cherish it and follow it. Let it guide you through everyday of your life!

  I hope you know, you are loved, and you are wanted. Long before you came into this world, I have been praying for you! For you to be a part of my reality, and for your future! At the moment I'm still praying for your father to come along! Maybe one day soon he will- in GOD's timing! I hope you grow with patience! Don't try to speed through life. Don't let the small precious things go unnoticed! Don't forget, even as a child you can do big and mighty things for the LORD, if you only trust and serve Him with your whole heart! Don't waste your childhood and teen years on yourself and foolish things this life offers! I hope your father and I can teach you where true value lies! I hope we can place our pride aside and apologize when we make mistakes, because I'm sure we will. We are only human after all. But, I also dream that you will see that yes, we are in fact, imperfect, and yet you also see we want to do what is best for you in the eyes of the LORD. I pray you never know the taste of bitterness. I pray sorrow never hardens your heart, but makes it all the more tender towards our Father!

  There isn't enough time in the day to say everything I hope to  say to you! There are not enough words to describe the longing I feel to be your mother one day. I am trying to have a patient spirit, but the idea of you is simply so beautiful I long for you more and more everyday! I have a feeling that no matter what, I will love you, because the LORD will have given you to me! I know you won't be perfect, but if the LORD gives me you, that would be one of the greatest honors He could ever give me!

  I think of the preparations people have to make before having a child. Painting the nursery, buying a crib, clothes, toys, diapers, etc... (We really could go on couldn't we?). But, what can I do now to prepare for you? I can serve the LORD. I can serve others. I can pray and read my bible daily. I can die to self daily, and some days, hourly. I can prepare myself for you, by being the woman God wants me to be right now! To learn to live the way I want to teach you to live! To be the best I can with the LORD leading me every step of the way!

  I pray that you do the same! Be who GOD would have you to be! That is all I want for you! I don't care if you become a doctor or a simple janitor. A missionary or a plumber. A teacher or a mother. As long as you are in GOD's will, it truly doesn't matter! Serve the LORD with gladness , and with your whole heart and I know you will do well in life. I hope and pray and dream that I can equip you to do so!

  Your mother,

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