Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Dear Future... Self

Dear Future Self,

  Well, Sarah, we have come a long way! Well I hope you have gone even farther once you read this! Let's say you are my future self ten years down the road. I have such high hopes for you! As you already know, but may have forgotten, I am writing a series on my blog to all of my "Futures".  It is now your turn! What can I say to my future self? "Do better"? Honestly, it is a bit awkward writing to you, or umm, me, whatever!
  I hope everything works out. Wait, what am I saying? It always does when you're within GOD's will! Maybe not in the way you dreamed it would, but in the way GOD had it planned from the beginning.  I'm guessing that you are married- Maybe! If not don't be discouraged! GOD can still use you! And He will use you if you let Him! I could say the same thing to you if you are married! Don't become weary in well doing! Never tire of reading and studying the Word of GOD! Never get out of church! Always stay out of any "gray areas". You know what happens when you don't! You slip and fall from GOD's will! Draw closer not farther from the LORD! Continue to read- History and constructive books not only fictional! Be a prayer warrior!
  In ten years, if you're married you may have kids! I hope so anyway! If you are a mother, then I must ask, do your children see the light and love of Christ in you? Are you keeping a schedule? Don't get lazy! (Kids or not!) Girl, I need to be preaching to my present self here! I have a lot of work to do! You on the other hand should have this stuff down! You should be spending your time working in other areas in order to grow and become more and more like the woman GOD created you to be! Again, if you are married, are you submitting to your husband? Do you love him unconditionally? Does he see the love of GOD in you?
  I wonder if you  have figured out what to do with your life. I sure hope so! Have you continued to write? Please always write! Even if you never earn money from it, you have so much more than that! I wonder if writing continues to be a deep part of you as it is today. Are you a missionary's wife? What kind of man is your husband? Is he meek and quiet or is he more exciting and bubbly? Is he a admirable and able leader? Is he a steady father? A valuable husband? Does he have a satisfying work ethic? Does he lead your family in a daily devotion each night? What is his family like? How do you get along with them? Are you a valuable mother? Do you read to your children?
  I want you to remember, not to take anything for granted! Don't fight with your husband in front of your children! You can have those discussions later! Don't correct your husband in public or in front of your children! Raise him up in front of others! Make him the king of your home! Make home a place your family longs for! You are the home maker! Your spirit will affect the rest of your family! Keep it in check! Take time to teach your children things and make it fun! Even if it is something that would be easier and faster for you to do on your own. If it is a chance for your children to learn, use it! It does matter and it will make a huge difference in their lives!
  Now if you aren't married, that's okay. I know you want to be someday. In ten years I hope you are! But lets say you aren't.  Please tell me you don't have ten cats! lol! Don't worry so much! You are doing fine if you are within the will of GOD!  Don't mind what people think, their opinion doesn't matter! Pleasing the Lord should be your main goal! Learn from your failures, and rise up and do better! One mistake is not the end! Are you having personal devotions daily? You haven't gotten lazy have you? Honestly I struggle with this now! So I hope by the time ten years have passed you have this struggle behind you! Keep your house clean! Take care of eveything you own! Be true to your word!!! Be true to the Word! Follow the guidance of your pastor! People around you should see you respect him by the way you live! Don't be a hypocrite! Please stay faithful! Not only in your life, but in your heart! Remember your actions affect those around you as well as yourself! You have come too far to become lukewarm! Keep going! Keep growing in the LORD! Serve Him for the rest of your days!

    Sarah (You/Me)

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