I know I already wrote a rant on 15 Things Short People Hear A Lot, but these are problems that we "short girls" have on almost a daily basis! Hope it's not too repetitive for you!
1. Clothes
•Wearing the same clothes since middle school.
•Even "short people clothes" are too long
•Looking at the weather forecast before wearing long pants or skirts, because if it rains and you wear something long, you're in trouble!
2. Big world
•Cooking, and/or putting away dishes is a workout, because you have to climb onto the counters to reach the cabinets
•Your feet rarely to never touch the ground when you sit.
•The seat belt in the car always trying to choke or decapitate you.
•The sun visor doesn't help when driving
•Fearing falling out of a roller coaster to your death, because you barely reach the height requirement
•Using the "kiddie" water fountain
•You look completely ridiculous trying to get something off the top shelf, and then you end up awkwardly asking a random tall guy to get it for you.
•Too short to use peepholes in doors... too short to be seen through peep holes in doors
3. Social
•Of course, people that comment on your short stature repetitively
•People bending down to talk to you.
•Some people treat you how you look instead of how old you actually are
•People thinking it is funny to take your stuff and throw it back and forth over your head as you frantically reach for it in vain.
•Everyone assuming you can't do small tasks because you're short
•People are surprised when you actually make a decent shot in basketball
•People saying "You only did better because you're short" when you beat them in a sport or something.
•Babysitting kids that are taller than you.
•Learning to walk fast to keep up with everyone, but then being teased for power walking everywhere
•Someone hollering your name and you're literally right there
•Forgetting the height gap when going in for a hug, and putting your arm above theirs, forcing them to do that awkward half leaning down/squatting, half standing thing.
•Standing talking to someone sitting and you're still shorter...
•Looking for someone in a crowd and finally giving up and asking a tall person if they can see them.
•Worrying about a tall person sitting in front of you in church, the theater, a symphony, ect...
•Always in the front row of pictures
Though my post today was "short" and a bit light hearted, I hope you enjoyed it! Give me some ideas for what you think I should write about next!
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