Last summer, for those that don't remember, I went to Ethiopia to visit a missionary family I know and love very much. Well, Krystal's grandmother she was close to passed away, and she decided to fly back to the states for the funeral in Florida. Krystal is one of my best friends and I haven't seen her in about 10 months! So I headed off to Florida on Sunday afternoon with some church family of mine! We arrived on Monday with some time to spare for the beach! We spent Monday afternoon and all day Tuesday on the beach or in a pool. I got the chance to ride a jet ski for the first time which was a lot of fun! We saw two dolphins while riding too! Wednesday, we went to the funeral, and I got to see Krystal for the first time in too long! Guys, I was so overwhelmed by seeing her, I almost broke down squalling! For those that know her, she is doing good! The whole family has been fighting cold and such so prayers for them would be much appreciated! But all in all sounds like they are all doing well!
On to this weeks post...
I have no idea what to write about, or more accurately, which idea to choose from! My mind has been crazy lately! I am unsure of a lot of things right now and I feel as if I'm trying to stand still on sinking sand. Life is moving so quickly yet so slowly! I have so many questions in need of answers.
What should I do with my life?
What next?
Should I go to school? Or not? If I do go, then what? What should I take? Where should I go? When?
Will I get another chance to take another missions trip? Should I take it if I do?
Will my choices now, prolong the wait for a spouse?
I also have other personal things I'm not ready to publicly discuss. This is my head 24/7 and this isn't even the half of it! I must have faith, and patience. I must remember my God is still on the throne! He is still in control! Just because the boat is rocking doesn't mean, He isn't there! Please pray for me to Wait on the Lord, and to be of good courage!(Ps.27:14) To stand still and let God move! To look on Him and not the troubled waters on which my feet are set!
I read a verse in Psalms 99 last night that jumped out to me
"Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy."
He is holy! But think of all those "big" problems you have. We are told to worship at his footstool. Which brought to my mind, isn't the earth God's footstool? This may be a stretch, but what I got was, we are already at the footstool of our Lord. He sees everything that goes on because, He is here! But are we simply ignoring our Master, our King for foolish worries of this life? Worries can come in many different shapes and sizes, believe me, I know! Whether it be worry for someone's well being, health, financial situation, a relationship, a fight you're having with someone, or whatever else is on your mind, it is truly that big? Is it truly that important in the long run? Yes, they may be important, I'm not completely shrugging them off! But when put into the perspective, thinking our Savior is going ignored because of our problems, that He can solve if only brought to Him, is it really truly worth the worry? No, no it is not! I am again preaching to myself (I do that a lot don't I?)! Another thing, we are only at the footstool for a short time. Our lives are as vapors, that appear for a little time and vanish away! What are we using this time for? Worries? Pleasure? Or bringing glory to our Lord and Savior? Winning souls to Christ? Getting to know God better through the book He has blessed us with? Taking time to help a friend? Or a stranger?
This is so simple on paper isn't it? But life is different. Life is complicated. Life is hard. These things don't have to be as hard and complicated as we make them out to be! We are at the footstool of the One who controls all! The One that can change the unchangeable, calm the troubled, soften the hardened heart, carry the cross that no man could! Has He not proven Himself? Bring it to the Lord and LEAVE IT THERE! I have trouble with bringing it to the Lord, and then slowly, one by one picking up my load again, until I can't carry it anymore... Again and again! Just drop it! Leave it! You can't carry a load off alone while you're on your knees! Boy, I need to preach to myself more often! I have a lot of advice I need to follow! Lol! In all seriousness, I guess my point of this post is, we don't have long, so do what you can while you can, for GOD! Not yourself!
I know this was short, but I hope I got my point across? I think I got it! lol
Thank you for reading! If you have any verses to share that stood out to you recently, I welcome them wholeheartedly!
Until next week,
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