Before I start , I would like to let you all know, I do not get my feelings hurt over this stuff. I actually enjoy being playfully teased about my height (or the lack of...) It gives me a sense of belonging and acceptance in a weird sort of way. Standing at the small stature of 4'11" I don't have any room (Yes, I like my puns intended :)) to have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to short jokes. I also joke about it myself sometimes! However, hearing a lot of short jokes, and a lot of the same ones, can become quite tiring! So, I have compiled this list of
"15 Things Short People Hear A Lot"
1."You're short!" ... Really? You don't say! I have gone 19 years not knowing this crucial fact! So thank you for informing me of this important and life changing information! Plus the politically correct way to say that is "vertically challenged" (hehehe... okay, well, I thought it was funny... Ahem, where were we? )
2. "How's the weather down there?" As if my climate is any different from yours? Well it could be great in a storm, I could stand by and laugh as you get hit by lightning
3. "How can you see over the steering wheel?" Same as anyone else... Just with a little more stretching and seat adjustments...LOL seriously though
4. "You must have a "short" temper!" Yup! But I know how to "contain" myself. Watch out.
5. "It's okay! When you're 40 everyone will think you're 20!" I'm fine with being short! You don't have to tell me it's fine. I know! This honestly usually comes from adults when they mistake me for a 12-15 year old. Sometimes younger. Seriously happens. BUT there are definitely upsides to this one! Kids meals are cheaper by the way!
6. "Oh sorry, didn't see you down there" Just don't. You see a three year old running in front of you but you don't see me talking to you??? Really?
7. "At least there's not a guy out too short for you!" Maybe not many, but as most girls want a tall guy, I don't want too tall either. When it gets too the point they think I'm the guy's daughter that's just a bit weird for everyone...
8. "You're the perfect height for an armrest!" As they placed their elbow onto the top of my head... Not cool dude. I'm not a lazy boy! Plus I have hair to maintain! Not helping!
9. "How did you get here?" I drove you idiot! I actually think this is quite funny when people cannot believe I am 19! I've had people come into the office I work in and ask this! Most people think I'm around the age of 14-16 (only people that know I drive think I'm 16)!
"Are you sure you're old enough to drive?" No, but I think so... Of course I'm sure!
"No way! Let me see your license!" This one can be annoying actually! Once you have gotten to this level of disbelief, I just don't understand how you can't understand that I am just a short person! Plus, you are insinuating that I am lying about my age for whatever reason! I actually don't hear this one a whole lot, because I live in a small town and everyone I hang out with know how old I am. But when I go out of town it is very likely it will be brought up! Just don't do this. Please.
(p.s. I put all of these together because they all have to do with not believing my age. It seemed kind of repetitive to split them up).
10. "Are you trying to look taller? You know, even with those heels you're still short?" No, I'm not trying to look taller. I just happen to be a girl that loves heels! Yes, I know I'm still short! and I don't care!
11. "Well at least it's easy for you to find clothes!" Oh really? Well, there is the problem of things being too big, too long, or too childish... You see I wear a 3/4 in pants so I can also wear a 12/14 in kids. So finding pants without sparkles or butterflies can be hard... I wear about size 5-6 in shoes ( I actually have a pair that are size 4.5 but we won't talk about that... ) So imagine, trying to find "big girl" shoes! Plus, I wear weird sizes in almost everything! Shopping can be hard! But I love to dig through stores such as Ross and Burkes! It's like a treasure hunt :) I may not find much, but what I find is usually worth it!
12. "You're fun size!" Maybe I over think things, but this can come across as a little creepy to me if I don't know you well. Okay, okay! Yes, I over think things! ( If you truly know me, you will know this to be veeerrrryy true! unfortunately, well, maybe not unfortunately. I mean it can be a good trait right? If I was a fast over-thinker maybe! Like MacGyver! Okay, I'm doing it again aren't I? Sorry...)
13. "Can you reach that?" Come on! It's literally right above my head! my range of reach doesn't stop at my head... Or they will ask if I can reach something they can barely reach at the height of 7 foot(Obviously, I'm exaggerating just a tad)! But really???
14. "Did I offend you?" This honesty, I feel should be in this category only because I feel my "shortness" causes people to think I am some fragile creature that can't handle playful jokes about my image. I can actually! As much as it can be tiring to hear these things repeatedly, I feel that you have accepted me in a way. I guess when someone feels comfortable enough to tease me about my height, it feels like we can be friends, because only friends tease each other about their appearance, right? Yes, I know, I'm an odd person!
15."Do you wish you were taller?" No, I don't. This is who I am. Though I used to be uncomfortable with being short, I have "grown" to love it! I think it fits my personality and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Thanks for reading! If you have anything that people have said to you as a short person or even something you may have said to a short person, let me know in the comments below!!! Until next Tuesday!
P.s. I found a picture that I thought was completely appropriate for this post. Enjoy :)

Yes! Thank you!
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