Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Hiking at Fall Creek Falls
Photo Creds go to Kelley :)
Hiking Trip

  I went hiking with a group of friends from church today and I continuously thought, " Oh how the Lord continues to bless me!" I spent the day with friends I've had my whole life and some that are a bit new to my life. Though they all come from different places and backgrounds, they all continue to grow more and more important in my heart. If you have ever been in a time of your life when you didn't have many good friends, you will appreciate them all the more when you do have them! I know I do! I thank God for good godly friends that make an effort to do right! And influence me to do the same!
  Today I was asked by one of these friends if I had found some inspiration for writing while hiking. Did I find inspiration today? Yes. Yes I did. I found inspiration soon after this question. Not that I wasn't looking for it before, but I couldn't seem to see it when I could feel it was staring me straight in the face! So I gave a simple  "I don't know yet." answer and then prayed, " God, inspire me please! What am I missing? Help me to see what you would have me to see." Then boom! There was today's post! I was surrounded by inspiration within a second. So much that I'm afraid this post may appear a bit scattered. It's amazing what a small prayer can do! Huh? There was the intro! On to the actual post!
  "Life is a journey." "It isn't about the destination, but the journey to get there." "Life is a climb, but the view is great." There are many quotes to choose from when it comes to finding an analogy for this life. Many have to do with hiking, or climbing. Life can be hard sometimes, and that's, well,... life. It's not always fair, or easy, but if we quit paying attention to only our footing we will be able to enjoy the beauty of the journey! Have some faith in this life! Look up! Yes, there are some times we must be tedious in our journey, but we are missing the blessings that are right in front of us if we choose to do so all of the time! Take some time to enjoy the journey! It doesn't have to all be full of somberness and perfection. Life is messy and it is no use trying to make it perfect. Just make sure it is worthwhile. Make sure it's clean and holy and lifting up the name of Jesus! Don't forget your destination, but enjoy the path God has laid before you! Have "Joy in the Journey!"
  As the guys were messing with some of the smaller trees trying to bend or even brake them, I saw that they weren't always as weak as they appeared. Sometimes the smaller "trees" being more flexible and willing to bend their natural will can be stronger than the tree growing naturally in one fixed direction. Some trees may look big and strong and beautiful, but are completely hollow on the inside. Where a smaller tree can be stronger because it is full of life. I see this as a great analogy of our salvation in Christ! When we are saved the Lord fills us with the life and strength of Jesus Christ. But if we try to only look and act the part of someone important or even saved ,the outside truly is not what matters. It's what is on the inside that really counts! No matter how big, strong, and beautifully put together we may look, without Christ on the inside we are all weak! A more uplifting side of this is this: even the smallest, and weakest of us can be made strong through the salvation of Christ our Lord!
  Now for those of us that are saved, we can also take a lesson away from this. Do we grow how we want to grow or do we allow flexibly for the Lord to bend us wherever He desires? He won't brake us without making us better than we were before! He may brake you, but He will never leave you broken! Unless you are stubborn and decide to try to fix it yourself. Believe me, it doesn't work that way!
  Another one of my friends looked at a tree that had grown in an seemingly disfigured way. "Can you tell me why that tree is growing that way?" This question being laced with a bit of sarcasm, I didn't take it completely serious. Why does God choose to grow us in the way He does? Though we may not understand, and the way of the LORD can seem odd to us, I know He has a plan that is better than anything we could've ever imagined! Just think of Joshua and the wall of Jericho! What an odd list of requests the LORD asked of the Israelites! I cannot tell you why the LORD chooses to do things the way He does, only that we must trust Him and His will, not our own. The obvious way is not always the best way! His way truly is perfect!
  I found myself watching my footing a lot in order not to fall. There were a lot of roots which to me were quite "cool" and very beautiful in their own way. Ironically, I've been thinking and praying about this a lot lately as you all know! My own roots. I've been hesitant to plant myself here for fear of the Lord uprooting me and moving me elsewhere. That would okay with me, though I know it could be painful to leave everything behind. We grow through our pain. Despite myself, I see the Lord has planted me here. Also, it's not exactly about planting myself in a place as much as it is planting myself in the Lord!  How much stronger I could be if I quit worrying about what place I need or want to be and simply focused on where I am in my walk and relationship with my Savior? It's funny how God can use even my clumsiness to teach me a lesson. It just goes to show you that He really does like to use our weaknesses to shape us for His purpose. And remind us how great He is and how small we are when we look at the big picture!
  It seems to me a have an unintended repetitious theme for my post today. Strength. Or more specifically, getting stronger. In the LORD of course. Okay. Lots of short sentences happening here... sorry... Anyways, I know I haven't been doing all I can do to grow stronger in my relationship with the LORD. Who fault is that? The fault lies with none other than myself. Yup! I am the one to blame for the lack of time, the lack of interest (ouch! But true!), and the lack of focus to get closer to GOD! The hard truth is not fun to admit, but we as Christians all struggle with this at sometime or another and I just happen to be struggling a bit right now is all. I am working on it though! I am making myself sit down and read my bible, pray, and sit in silence in order to prove to Christ that I at least want to want a better relationship with Him! I force myself to focus on what the LORD is trying to say instead of "just reading". Your daily bible reading ( and yes it should be daily), is not just something to check off your list! I am guilty of this myself. Maybe we can all learn to do better together! I want to encourage you all to do better as I try to do better in my own walk with the LORD. The song "Have I done my best for Jesus" Enters my mind at this time. Have I done my best for Him? To put it simply, no. No, I have not. Have you? Let's all purpose to do better. To get stronger in our relationship with Christ and in our faith! As we go through this life, we are going to meet some obstacles. Though that isn't always fun, the path that obstacle may bring you on, may lead you on the most exciting adventure of your lifetime. Not only that, but we usually become stronger on more strenuous paths. So as my pastor wisely said on Sunday, Thank GOD for the struggles. Whether it be a physical illness, or a spiritual battle you are facing. There is a hidden blessing in every trial you go through. Maybe we will use our scars to help others heal. Again, I can't tell you why God does certain things certain ways, but He is right! He is always right! Let us grow stronger in a way that the LORD would well pleased!

  My blog hit over 3,000 views!!! I was seriously considering not writing this week on account of not having anything to write about. Yes, I have had a bit of the cursed writers block! It's not fun folks! Although, I've only been stuck with the lack of inspiration for my blog. Curious I know, but it has given me the chance to work and write a bit of other things that have been calling me for quite a while now. This week I felt as if I have started to get over my writers block. I must give credit to whom it is due! My sweet LORD is always giving me inspiration and I must thank Him for it! I also must say that the biggest inspiration second to my amazing God, is you. My readers. You guys amaze me! That you would take precious time out of your day to read my random thoughts simply baffles me! I love hearing what you think about what you are reading! I love knowing when or if you guys are enjoying what I am putting out there, because if not, then I may be wasting my time as well as yours! That is not my intention! Weirdly, I get a bit nervous when I find out "so and so" is reading my blog. I may act like a completely nervous fool, but I do appreciate it! I know this is a very public blog, which is why I choose not to discuss certain topics and aspects of my life with you guys. So why do I become nervous? Who knows? Probably because I over think it. (Always!) I start wondering about what you may have read, and what you thought about it. So let me know what you read and what you thought! Just ignore my awkwardness when you do! Believe me, no matter how nervous or awkward I may seem, I absolutely love hearing from my readers! When you take time to let me know that you enjoy my blog, that is what keeps me writing publicly. Why? Why do you read the published bit of my mind? It really doesn't matter why. But that you do, and I thank you for your time! I hope you all continue to read and I hope I can at least give you a small blessing each week! Again and again I will thank you guys!!!


P.S. Here are some pictures, as promised!
Photo Creds go to Amie :)

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."
Proverbs 27:17

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