Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Secret Struggles of a Writer

  Every writer knows, there is something a bit different about us. We have weird quirks and weird mindsets. We see the world in a different way. I'm going to spill the beans about our secret struggles. I call these struggles because, well, we can't really help but be this way, even if we try to change we end up deciding it's just who we are! So hold on, it's about to get real!
• We are always correcting your grammar, whether silently or aloud. Incorrect grammar can be irritating!
• We are sincerely grateful when you have correct grammar and may just ask the good LORD to bless you for it!
•We even get irritated with ourselves for making grammar or spelling mistakes!
• We are not always the best communicators. Unless you give us a pen and a piece of paper!
• We love using words that are not commonly used.
• We might be bad at telling stories in person on the spot, but give us sometime to pull it together, and you may be surprised at the difference!
• Writers love to read. I've never met someone that writes and doesn't read!
• We find pleasure in playing with sentence structure. We know we are a bit nerdy :P
• We not only read, we enjoy finding ways to re-write phrases in our heads.
• Completely fangirling over a sentence is common. "Ooo!!! I love that sentence!!!"
• Writers also secretly have the names of their favorite book characters picked out to name our future children, umm... or characters
• Many writers have a love of lists... Duh!
• Many writers have a love for old things, such as typewriters... and history, of course!
• A lot of us have a deep appreciation for music, even if we are not musically inclined.
• We are usually organized in some way, if not completely OCD!
• We are somewhat introverted, and sometimes a bit socially awkward.
• We are usually pretty observant. We subconsciously notice and take mental notes of everything to use later in writing.
• Words are beautiful. A lot of writers can get more pleasure from reading the description of a picture than simply looking at the picture itself. Words are prettier to us. Or we enjoy looking at a picture and we see words to describe it in our head. (Now that is fun!)
• We can usually be entertained by our own thoughts. Writers have a crazy imagination! You have no idea how crazy our head can be!
• We secretly are intimidated by other writers
• We have a secret stack of scribbling's hidden away that we will probably never show to anyone, because they aren't completely perfect. But we will never throw them away, because they are a piece of us.
• Some writers are never discovered because they never believe they are good enough to share their work.
• Who knows how many drafts we have ready to go, but we aren't ready to shared that part of our souls quite yet. So next time someone asks you not to read something- DON'T READ IT! It's not some cute game! We hate it when people say " If you don't want anyone to see it, then you shouldn't have ever written it!" This is like telling an emotional girl not to cry. Come on, its gonna happen! Just let it be!
• We sometimes write in our head about the things around us.
• Our families know this, but we make super weird and serious faces while writing. So if you see this face -Do not disturb! It means "Light bulb!" and when you speak you could possibly switch that off :( Not good.
• Two words: Writers block. Not good. We feel so useless when we catch writer's block! We also feel awful to hear someone else caught it! (But at the same time we feel relieved it's not just us or it wasn't us this time! lol!)
• We read and re-read our writing out loud to make sure our grammar is correct and we sound like somewhat normal human beings!
• We are stone walls when we have a light bulb moment!  We will probably have to be shaken before we hear anything!
• We know when we have inspiration we must run! Write it down as quickly as possible! Because if we don't grasp it now, we may lose it.
• "Oh! I have a great idea for a new story!" said the writer with ten other stories waiting to be finished.
• We love getting to know our fictional characters
• Sometimes we are even surprised at our own plot twists. Wow, didn't see that coming! And that is the joy of writing! When something amazing appears on the paper, and you didn't originally plan it.
• We all have that extremely irritating moment when we are writing in past tense then half way through we realize, over half of it is in present tense!
• "What are words?" is something I believe we have all asked ourselves as we stared at a blank sheet of paper for an hour.
• When writing at one o'clock in the morning, we have different styles and tastes than we would at ten o'clock in the morning
• If the FBI were to look at our search history, I believe most writers would be behind bars, or in insane asylums!
• Though we love to write, it can be a very frustrating challenge!
• We always struggle keeping within the word maximum on essays
• We go through the same emotional roller coaster our reader will, even though we are writing the story!
• We struggle knowing when to stop writing. Because we could always add so much more...
Why We Write
• We don't always understand our own thoughts. We write to spill our souls onto a piece of paper in order to better understand ourselves.
• We are dreamers. We still believe dreams can come true. We like to be the one to make them come true. If it can't come true in this life, why not create a life in which it can?
• Writers are very passionate about their work. If they write stories, the characters are very real to them, so handle with care! We grow to love them almost as much as we do the real people around us. We love them, grieve with them and rejoice with them as if they are childhood friends.
• Most of us had a dream of becoming a famous writer one day, but later decided (probably in high school) that we couldn't handle that sort of pressure and just stuck to writing for ourselves.
• We write and will continue to write because the process is simply, well I don't know if there is a simple way to put it! It is relieving, stressful, an escape, frustrating and an absolute must! We feel as if we don't write we will boil over! We feel things so deeply, we have to have a place to store some of those feelings and emotions. Our head doesn't have enough space to occupy all of our thoughts at once.
  I hope you guys enjoyed this list! If you have any questions or comments about my secret struggles as a writer, comment below! Thank you all so much for reading! I still can't believe I actually have people reading my scribblings!


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