The thing about living in a house full of girls, in my house particularly, is a lot of people end up pitying my dad because he is the only guy in the entire household. But as we often tell people, " It's his fault! He is the one that prayed for this!" And he did! He is guilty as charged! Everyone was shocked to hear he didn't crave for little boys as most father-to-bes would. He wanted girls and a lot! He prayed and well, here we are today! For those of you that don't know, there are five of us girls excluding my mom. My oldest sister has a little girl of her own, and is finally breaking the tradition of girls with a little boy on the way! We are all elated to say the least! Anyway, I don't know what you guys think about lists but just in case you didn't know, I love lists, so...

1. You have a ton of hair brushes but can't find one!
Ugh this is annoying! Especially when you are the only one that actually keeps up with your hair brushes that you have received each year for Christmas from the time you were 10 or 11 years old. Seriously, I had that purple one, but then who knows? Seriously??? Who knows? I want it back!
2. You have Missing items
2. You have Missing items
Okay, #1 could go for any hair product or décor! Or clothes or shoes or makeup or jewelry...well anything! Let's be real!
3. You trade... Maybe too much
3. You trade... Maybe too much
This is a big trend at my house! Trading clothes, and not being able to find your own, but having a whole load of your sisters' happens more often than you would think! A lot of fights can start simply by putting on a shirt that isn't yours without asking- I know this sounds petty but it can be grounds for war! Unless you ask (once and only once. and don't beg if we say no) then it's totally cool! You girls know what I'm talking about! Lol
4. You get asked a lot of favors
It may not be anything huge, but you will be asked to curl someone's hair, do someone's makeup, critic someone's outfit, paint someone's nails, or do the dishes or some other chore because they have recently done their own nails lol! But you will have some favors asked of you!4. You get asked a lot of favors
5. Gossip is only gossip if you aren't at home.
We all know this is not fact, but we sisters do tend to tell each other things that we wouldn't talk to other people about. We don't mean anything by it, but we have shared almost everything since birth and when you live together there isn't much else to talk about when they already know just about everything there is to know about you! No, I don't tell my siblings all of your dirty secrets friends! I'm just telling you, sisters tend to gossip if we aren't careful. Usually it's petty stuff such as Kolby and Hudson doing awesome backflips at the park, very rarely do we talk about big stuff that could hurt your street cred ok? Okay... this may not be entirely true, because if you break a girl's heart, and she has sisters, you will be properly prosecuted! It may be a simple shunning, or it could mean the total ruining of your street cred! It all depends on the situation. Either way you better watch out!
6. Cats fights are legendary!
Honestly, cat fights don't happen much at my house, but that doesn't mean they haven't happened! We didn't swing at each other all of the time, well,... yeah, we did. But it was usually out of playfulness and there weren't many times it turned into an actually fight though. But when it happened you would've thought we were in the wrestling championship with all of the fans screaming our names! By the time most of our fights ended we were all roaring in laughter at our own foolishness! Most of the time...
7. Make-up is sacred
Most girls will spend good money on good makeup. That is a simple fact. But when that good makeup, that perfect eye shadow that you recently bought falls to the tile floor in the bathroom because someone knocked it over with a hairbrush or can of hairspray or whatever... and it shattered into a million tiny pieces and disintegrates into a powder so fine it can't even be swept up... Man that is when the LORD will really test a girl's patience! Haha! It is funny but we all know its true!
8. You critic the cook and get away with it!
I myself, love to bake, but cooking a meal, is simply something I don't enjoy. I will be honest and say I have grown to enjoy it more than I used to, but then again, I used to absolutely despise all things considered cooking! I hated it. Maybe I'm weird, but I did. Still do sometimes. I'm not exactly great at it. I can cook, but I consider myself a bad cook because, well, come on, my oldest sister was born to cook! She cooked our supper almost every night for years! And she liked to make it fancy too!
Anyway, I'm not great, but my sisters can tell me that! And they will tell me that! We critic each others cooking abilities all of the time. What should I do differently? What did I do wrong? Why is it flat? Why is this hard as a rock? LOL! In all seriousness, we can honestly tell each other how to better ourselves in the kitchen, and I think that's cool. Even though it may not be fun all of the time!
9. You have not-so-nice nicknames... And love them!
If I told you some of the nicknames we call each other, some of you would be horrified! No, no! Haha! No cursing is involved in the creating of these endearing nicknames. We don't call each other anything inappropriate! Well, my mom would probably beg to differ! lol! But it is all in fun, and love! When someone takes the time to think of something more creative than "meanie-head" as a young child, its great! I don't know how we have come up with some of the names we have but they are hysterical! If you ever get the chance to hear them, try not to be shocked at how unladylike we real humans are when we are at home! I will not tell you the nicknames as we don't need that judgment... and those are for the house only!
10. You interrupt... A LOT
When you live with girls, this is one thing a lot of people misunderstand about you! You truly don't intend to be rude, but you interrupt a lot! Not because you were never taught it was rude, but because at my house at least, we have learned to talk at each other. We can talk to someone and comprehend what the other person is saying at the same time! So a normal conversation seems very slow and we tend to forget that is not how normal conversation works! Yes, we know we need to work on that...
11. You talk a lot... or not much at all
No, there is no in between! I fall under the "not much at all" most of the time, to the surprise of my readers I'm sure! But you either talk a lot because you can talk over everyone else, or you don't talk much, because it is tiring trying to find a place to add your comment when they don't ever take a breath!
12. Chocolate!!!
Someone in your house will always have a stash of chocolate hidden away somewhere! In my house that person is me. Don't touch my chocolate, don't ask for my chocolate, don't think about my chocolate! LOL I hate being this way, but to be honest I do get a bit frustrated when everyone will start with the same amount of chocolate after Christmas or valentines or whatever, and everyone (but me, that is) will horse it all down in a matter of minutes! Being the person that always thinks ahead, I store mine away for those days that I absolutely have to have some chocolate! It bothers me when they horse theirs down then come ask me for some of mine! I am childishly stingy when it comes to my chocolate, I know! I'm sorry, but that is how it is my friends! Maybe I should work on that too...
13. Hair is a precious thing
Well this goes for most any girl (and some guys to be honest), but when tragedy strikes, boy it is rough! If you dye your hair often then you know the horrible things that can happen! Especially when you do it from home! Thank goodness my mom's friend actually does know what she's doing! But there have still been some scary times when the red wasn't quite the red the box portrayed it to be! Maybe,... no, definitely more on the orange side! Or when your younger sister cuts her bangs off! Or the same sister cuts her hair AGAIN to the scalp in the back! Oh my word! Or even when she just can't sit still while getting it cut, and it has to go shorter and shorter, and shorter because its crooked! UGH GIRL! Or that moment of panic when a rubber band gets stuck in your hair and your sisters think you may have to cut it out! You know all of your sisters were cringing!
14. Hair is a precious thing... SOMETIMES (But not in this paragraph of horror!)
Oh my word, if you are a guy and you grew up with nothing but shaved heads in your house, then you will never understand what you are missing out on! Seriously, this is not a positive for those that had to endure all of the hair! Coming from a house of girls, you will remember the nasty, horrible side of having a lot of girls with long hair in the same house! The struggle is real! Let me tell you! Having backed up pipes at least once to twice a year, Cleaning out more hair than lint from the dryer, sweeping and finding more hair than anything (cleaning out the broom after every two minutes of sweeping) You seriously don't want to move any furniture! How about in the kitchen? Ugh, washing dishes and hair is weaved into the rags that were just washed and dried. Always getting that extra bit of "protein" in your diet when your sister cooks...
Yes, we clean and do chores, but keeping up with house work such as sweeping in a house full of girls can be, well, a chore! Sometimes hair simply isn't fun! Most guys will never know the struggle of long hair and why girls joke about cutting it all off! (*insert hilariously shocked facial expressions most guys give us when we say this!* I seriously wish I had a picture!)
15. You know girls aren't always "girly"
Against all beliefs not all girls are completely girly through and through! Not all girls are afraid of mud and outside work! Some actually enjoy it! Some of my best memories (if not most of my memories) from childhood, were outside on a hot summer's day playing in the dirt! We all loved playing like we lived in the wild west, and I always wanted to be an Indian with a bow and arrow I made from sticks and rubber bands. We were "cool" enough to have real arrowheads we found buried under our house, so we had "real arrows"! Another pastime of ours growing up, were putting on plays and rodeos for our mom and dad. And also wrestling matches! Now those were something to see! haha! I also had (maybe still have) an obsession with dinosaurs! I had a whole tote dedicated to my dinosaurs, and the lid wouldn't fit because I had so many! I honestly would've rather played with my dinosaurs than with my dolls! But we all had dolls, and absolutely loved to play house and especially dress up!
So obviously, we weren't as girly as every girl in the movies! We were girly, but we were all kind of "girly-tomboys"! We were the kind of girls that would dress up in gloves and poofy dresses and tutus and run outside barefooted to play in the mud all at once! The good ol' days :)
This was fun to remember the pros and cons of having all sisters! I wouldn't trade it for anything! Though we don't always see eye to eye, and they know how to push my buttons better than anyone else, I love all of my sisters! I am so glad GOD placed me in a house full of girls, and though I don't have brothers in the house, GOD has given me "brothers" that I have grown up with and we had a blast! Some have grown apart, but there are those that have been there since, well it seems like forever! and they are still around! I don't know what life would be like without them! Maybe I need write a post about my "brothers"! Boy, do I have some stories!
As always, let me know your thoughts on this post in the comments below and I'll write again next Tuesday!
Heads up! I will not be posting on the 14th of June. I will be away at a technology free church camp so won't have a chance. Thank you for understanding!
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