Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My Worthy GOD

To be honest, today I was simply going to publish a post I had already finished, but I couldn't get peace about it. I don't know, maybe it needs work or after the events of the week it simply didn't seem like the correct rant for the week! Anyway, I'm going to rant a little bit about
 Do you guys realize how blessed we are? I know I take HIS blessings for granted way too often! But HE is good, and continues to shower me with blessings!
Thinking on the past lately (maybe thinking a bit too much, as I often do) , I have started to see not only what GOD brought me from and how far GOD has brought me, but what HE completely spared me from! Instead of focusing on my past mistakes with regret, GOD has been teaching me to look on them with gratefulness!
"You never even had the chance to make that mistake, I spared you from failure."
"Yes, you are a sinner, but you're a saved sinner!"
"I know you have guilt and baggage, let me carry it for you."
"I know you acted like a completely foolish child, but you are still MY child!"
"Yes, you messed up, but I forgave you!" 
"Move on from your past mistakes and failures, I have."
My GOD is so forgiving and patient, I cannot fathom why HE cares for me, but as HE reminds me everyday, HE does! If you don't know my GOD, let me introduce you to HIM!
HE is my Comforter |John 14:26

He is the Creator |Gen.1-2; Ps. 19:1

He is my Deliverer | 2 Sam. 22:2; Ps. 18:2

HE is our Example | John 13:15

HE is Faithful | Ps. 36:5

HE is my Friend | John 15:13

He is Good | Ps. 118:29

HE is Great | Ps. 48:1

HE is my Guide | Ps. 25:4-5

HE is my Healer | Jer. 17:14, Jer. 33:6

HE is my Hope | Rom.8:24; Titus 2:13

HE is my Judge | Ps.26:1

HE is the King of kings | Rev. 19:16

HE is my Light | Ps. 27:1

HE is Merciful | Ps. 136

HE is all Powerful | 1 Chron.29:11
HE is my Redeemer | Psalms 19:14

HE is Righteous | Ex. 9:27
He is my Salvation | Ps. 61:6-7

HE is my Savior | Is. 53:5

HE is my Shepherd | Is. 53:6; Ps. 23:1

HE is my Shield | Ps. 28:7

HE is my Strength |  Is. 41:10; Ps. 118:14; Ps.27:14

I could go all day with this list! My God is amazing and Worthy! Wait how could I have left that out?

HE is WORTHY! | Rev. 4:11; Rev. 5:12
Oh my GOD is worthy! There is a bit of a story behind this one I would like to share with you. Last year, around this time I was struggling with my salvation. I wasn't sure how I could be so numb to sin and the things of this world and be saved. I believed in GOD. I never doubted HIS existence. But I did doubt HIS worthiness. I was so bitter at people and even GOD that I doubted HE was even worthy of my praise and worship. How twisted is that? I was messed up! I write letters to GOD (I know its weird, but it helps for me to see my thoughts and prayers on paper), I remember one letter I wrote through that time. I'm paraphrasing, but it said: I don't understand you God! I don't understand how you could let these things happen! I don't understand how you can sit up there watching destruction and sorrow take place in the lives of your people and not do anything about it! I'm glad you had that big compassionate moment on the cross and all, but what about now? Are you done caring?
Well, I was. Bitterness had twisted the way I thought and became so deep in my heart that I still to this day have to work on pulling up some of the left over roots of bitterness. Don't let bitterness control you. It will make you miserable!
At youth camp, Thursday night, I had had enough. I went to Brother Ron and asked him to help me to be sure of my salvation. We went outside and he asked me what I was doubting. I told him I believe GOD exists, but I just didn't know if I thought HE was worthy anymore. Guys, when you don't think or can't see that GOD is worthy of everything we have and more, then you have a problem! Brother Ron talked to me for a bit about salvation. He didn't get a bible out or anything, because I've grown up under that stuff, and I could show him verses on salvation! So he talked about what it is to truly trust and place complete faith in GOD. We prayed and parted ways. I went and prayed some more until I had to go inside. I was so shaken by exhaustion and the Spirit I was literally trembling! I haven't been the same since! I still believe I got saved at the age of five, but GOD did a wondrous work in my heart that night! Yes, I continue to slip every now and then, but I pray I that I will continue to grow and never go back to that! For those of you that are doubting GOD in any way, HE loves you! HE loved you enough to send HIS ONLY Son to die for you! Is HE not worthy of your time? Your life? Your heart? Because that is where it all starts! If you have a heart that is kicking against the pricks, you will be miserable. But if you give your heart to HIM, oh the joy that comes from simply spending a few minutes in the morning or late at night with our LORD! Nothing compares! And this is just the beginning of what HE has in store for us! HE is worthy of our hearts! HE is worthy of our everything!

As always, thank you all for reading! Leave me a comment letting me know what you think I should rant about next! Until next Tuesday!


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