Tuesday, August 9, 2016

"Can You Hear Me?"

  I am sure we all can see our country is going downhill fast! As a young person, this is very discouraging to me to see my generation coming into adulthood in this way. To see young people standing on the flag that our forefathers fought for, to see that racism is still taking both white and black lives, crime rates are higher than ever before, it all turns my stomach. Can't we see where we came from? I know we are so far from all of that now, but can't you see it? I am tired of this! This is from the heart of a young person of this generation. Yes, I am a white girl, if that's what you want to call me- But I don't go around declaring it. I deserve nothing more than anyone else. Absolutely nothing. I have no right to demand anymore than what has been given to me, I am blessed beyond measure. Read on- but please keep your heart open!
Black Lives Matter Protest

Flag burning Event in Brooklyn

 Can You Hear Me?

The red, white and blue 
Doesn't stand for slavery  
It just isn't true
Can you hear me?

They yell in the streets
A cry for blood
They stomp on our banner in their cleats
Not caring as they hear the thud

Can you hear me??
They do not realize
We are free if we bow the knee
because our history books people revise

Should we consume the lives of more?
Nay! I say!
No more!
And yet they continuously slay

The stars are lit 
The fire is spreading 
As is their ill intent
Can you hear me crying???

All lives matter!
must we say it?
That is the matter!
We shouldn't have to declare it!

You want to end racism you say
And yet you separate yourselves.
Stop seeing the colors today
put the race cards on the shelves

Where did we go wrong you say?
When we left God's path!
Will you continue down this torturous way?
Or must we all suffer through God's wrath?

We are all made in God's image
Black, white, yellow or blue
no matter the age
It is true

Please put the torch away
Remember our true history
Let the banner of freedom sway
We can overcome this part of our story

Can you hear me????
Let the violence be of the past
End racism here I plea
Let our generation be the last.


American soldiers raising the American flag on the island
of Iwo Jima on Feb. 23, 1945
Veterans Cemetery on Memorial Day

  I think that is just about all I can say about what is happening in our country right now. I have pushed it aside long enough.  I can't sweep this under a rug any more. This country is my home. Despite all of the foolish murders and crime, God continues to bless this nation because of our forefathers. Can we remember that? Can we find our way back to that? I think we can if we had enough hearts willing to fight for what we have lost. To fight for what our foundation once was: The word of God! Stand up and fight my brothers and sisters! Fight for what is right, or lose all rights! That is where we are! Can you hear me?????


  P.S. I know this post is about my country, America, but I would absolutely love to hear more about my audience! Such as who you and where you guys are from. So let me know! Thank you so much for reading! 

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