I don't think this will be a very long post, because, I honestly feel as if I am at a loss for words. I don't know what to say about such a situation. So I will tell you a bit more about what went on last week.
My friends grieving for a most likely, lost loved one, I was there to watch the kids and I ended up having some "heart to heart"s with them. My heart breaks for the young children that struggle to understand in the bitter times of life. I know we all struggle with that at times! Why? Why do you let innocent babies die? Why do good Christian people struggle to have one child, while a teen has two or three that are "accidental" and unwanted? Why do you let a drunk crash and kill a family, while he walks away free of harm? Why GOD do you do allow the things you do?? WHY??? This age old question can cause many to doubt, stubble and even faint in the fight. I am here to tell you, I do not have an answer. Nope, I don't. I can tell you what the LORD told me when I was talking with these friends of mine Thursday. He gave me a verse:
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
We ask "why", He answers, "Trust me".
We say "I don't understand", He answers "Lean not unto thine own understanding."
He wants to be acknowledged, as a preacher at camp said. Trust and acknowledge Him. It won't magically give you all of the answers, but He will guide you through what you don't understand! We are such a small part of God's plan and He is in complete control. There is nothing to fear when God is near! He wants to be near to you, to guide you, but if you push Him away when you don't understand the path He has set you on, how will you find your way through? Without His light, are you going to make it through the dark on your own? The answer: You won't. Bitterness you keep you captive in the same problem until you die or you ask for the LORD to guide you through it! Here I am again, preaching to myself! Bitterness will get you nowhere!
My first thought when my friends were crying on my shoulder, was "God is good. Even now, God is good." My God is never wrong. He never makes mistakes. He has not one ounce of evil or ill intent, He is good. As I came home for the evening, pondering on the moments they poured their broken hearts out before me, I thought, "God is still good. But what can make this better? What can heal these broken hearts?" I sat at the piano, weary and not sure why I didn't simply go to bed, I played ( Or tried to play) a few songs. I continued pondering on those questions, as I picked out two hymns from the hymnal. I was about to get up when I looked to the other page and decided to try it. The questions of my heart were then answered as I remembered the song. "What can heal broken hearts? What can make this situation easier? "Trusting Jesus that is all."
This song said it all for me! Isn't my God wonderful? Is He not good? I choose to trust Him everyday. What about you? Simply trust Him!
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