Tuesday, June 28, 2016

5 Things Single Girls Are Tired Of

Everyone has been single at one time in their life. Kudos to those that always have been and don't mind! Even if you mind, that's okay, but be patient! I believe the most annoying thing about being single are the rumors and plain ol' stupid things people say! Okay I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?

Match making
"What do you think about him???" "He's cute isn't he???" "Why don't you come to ___? He might be there!"
When you are single, it seems everyone is a potential "Mr. Right". Do not try to set me up with someone! Do not try to get us to notice one another. If its meant to be it will happen without your help! Better chance of it happening in GOD's timing if you stay out of it.

The dreaded Holiday conversations
"Soooo,... are you seeing anyone yet?" "Are you interested in someone?" "Any boy drama?" Excuse me while I go dig a hole to crawl in...

"OooOoo! You like him don't you?? Don't you!" No. "Yes you do I can see it in your face!" Uuuugh...
Teasing is fine if it isn't all of the time! But when teasing gets to the point it makes friends uncomfortable around each other, it needs to stop!

"If you would do ___ you would already have a boyfriend!" "Guys don't like that!" "You should tell him how you feel!" Just don't go there...
I wish I could say this were only people in relationships that say these things, but that would be a lie. You know nothing! Please say nothing! Unless I ask for your advice, STAY OUT OF IT!

Gossip & Assumptions
"I think they would be so cute together!" "They are totally an item!" "Did you see how he/she looked at him/her at the wedding yesterday?" Actually I was lusting after the chocolate foundation behind him...
I'll be honest and say I may be a bit guilty of this one! Trying to read into the future. But don't assume and then talk and about your assumptions as if they are fact!

"Do you like him?" No! Why? "You just seem to hang out with him a lot." We're friends, friends they usually hang out right?
Of course you only have a guy friend because you have feelings for him right? NOOO!!!! I don't have to like every guy that I hang out with! I don't even have to be crushing on one of guys I hang out with! This is so frustrating! Don't assume! I am not searching for a husband. I am in no hurry to run away and get married. Yes, I would love to have a family one day, but I'm not an old maid yet! I'm barely twenty for crying out loud! Stop pushing something I am not sure I'm ready for yet! PLUS, IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

I must say the most annoying thing on this list is people telling you what you can do to "fix" your condition of "singleness"! Or rumors! Do you not realize you are not helping me when you try to push such things by talking? I have lost friends over stupid rumors! Mostly guys too! and it had to do with some "girl/guy gossip about me and them that wasn't true! I hate that! Please just stop! Rumors ruin precious friendships and also can make something happen that simply isn't meant to be! Yes, I am a girl but I don't have to get married right out of high school and I don't have to race to find a good guy before I turn into a pumpkin at age 22! That's about how some girls act! Slow down! Enjoy being single! Enjoy having girls and guys as friends! Don't push anything. Be still and wait on the LORD to work it all out! I get so irritated with this subject, and it is one reason I guess a lot of people think I don't want to get married! It is not that I don't want to get married! That is definitely not the case! I would love to settle down with a good Christian young man and have seven kids (Seriously want 4 to 7 kids... I know I may be crazy, but I love big families!), and some may say I'm crazy to not be in a hurry because I want so many kids. Not to boast about how spiritual I am because I truly not very spiritual, but that is simply one thing I have been able to trust the LORD with, without much trouble at all. Yes, there have been times of impatience! but for the most part I have had peace about waiting. Plus, I don't want to mess it up! I know I would! So simply and wholly trust the LORD! With your relationships and with mine! Please! Pray for me, and don't ruin my friendships with your silly matchmaking! Ahem. Thank you!

Thank you again as always for reading! What should I rant about next? What are your thoughts on todays post? Let me know!


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